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US and allies' troops to stay in Afghanistan

17 October 2015

The US government now intends to keep US troops in Afghanistan beyond President Obama’s departure from office in January 2017, breaking his promise to end the war on his watch.

No British intervention in Syria!

12 October 2015

The Cameron government wants to bomb Syria, and so do all too many Labour MPs. But any British intervention would inflame a very dangerous situation – tossing a laser-guided missile into what is already a powder keg.

Lights out on Teesside steel making

12 October 2015

On 12 October the liquidator of SSI Redcar announced the death of that steelworks. Over 2,000 workers will lose their jobs directly at the plant and more will be out of work as a result. This signifies a threat to Britain’s whole steel industry.

Here comes another crash

12 October 2015

The US Federal Reserve is preparing to raise interest rates, even though this would destabilise already fragile economies across the world – which are being told to prepare for a rise in corporate failures.

Council procurement policies under attack

12 October 2015

In yet another attack on civil liberties, the government has announced plans to to change the law so that councils may only disinvest, boycott or adopt sanctions if the action is in line with government policy.

Osborne eyes local government pensions, again

12 October 2015

The new National Infrastructure Commission has less to do with planning than with stealing money from workers’ pension funds to do what the government should be doing anyway, and isn’t.

The downward march of the makers

12 October 2015

New figures from the Office for National Statistics show that production and manufacturing output  in three months to August 2015 were 9.4 and 6.5 per cent, respectively, below the levels reached in the first quarter of 2008.

Agreement at National Gallery

5 October 2015

Striking museum staff met outside the National Gallery today (5 October) and went back in to work together after 100 days on strike since February.

Desperate Conservatives try to relaunch union front

5 October 2015

The announcement that the Conservative trade unionists organisation, disbanded over 25 years ago, is to be reconstituted should show everyone in the trade union movement just how weak and desperate government really is.

Action over housing

5 October 2015

The phrase “housing crisis” is a daily media prod to the London commuter. Blink and it’s still there. But we’ve been stood immobile and blinking for far too long.  

Junior doctors in revolt over proposed contracts

29 September 2015

Junior doctors flooded Westminster in their thousands last night (Tuesday) to protest against planned changes to their contracts as the British Medical Association ballots members on industrial action.

