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TTIP 'danger to environment', say MPs

15 March 2015

​A report from MPs says proposals in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership treaty pose dangers for the environment, animal welfare and public health in Europe.

Dulwich gallery strike wins agreement on first day

15 March 2015

Front-of-house staff at Dulwich Picture Gallery, south London, are back at work after a week-long strike begun on the morning of Friday 13 March ended with a draft settlement by the end of the first day out.

Ukraine: the real violators

10 March 2015

Who is demonstrably violating the Minsk peace agreement? Prime Minister David Cameron for one. The US government for another.

EU turns the screws on Greece

10 March 2015

Sensing weakness, the European Union is now demanding that hundreds of "troika" officials go into Greece’s ministries to examine the accounts.

Northampton goes for 'big bang' privatisation

7 March 2015

Conservative-run Northamptonshire County Council is planning to outsource all its services in one go, reducing its workforce from 4,000 to a rump of 150 staff who will simply commission services.

Anniversary of the end of the miners' strike

7 March 2015

3 March 2015 saw the 30th anniversary of the return to work of miners involved in the year long-strike in 1984 and 1985 against pit closures and job losses. Today only a handful of pits remain.

Greenwich ordered to scrap council newspaper

6 March 2015

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has become the first local authority in Britain to have notice served by the government requiring it to close down the weekly free council newspaper to local citizens.

