University pay still not settled
Pay for university workers is still not settled. The five unions representing higher education workers submitted a claim in April, but there’s no agreement.
Pay for university workers is still not settled. The five unions representing higher education workers submitted a claim in April, but there’s no agreement.
The government has announced funding of £22 billion for carbon capture schemes.
Rail workers in most train operating companies have voted to accept the national pay deal...
Arts education provision across Britain is suffering from continuing cuts including instrumental music, drama and visual arts.
Revived for a limited season, Stephano Massini’s play about the rise and fall of Lehman Brothers shows how capitalism consumes even its own…
In the Middle East, as elsewhere, the British ruling class sought to justify its interference in other peoples’ countries by blaming them for any troubles…
23 October 2024
Arts education provision across Britain is suffering from continuing cuts including instrumental music, drama and visual arts. Workers in arts and education are trying to build campaigns to counter this decline.
22 October 2024
A play in Manchester was cancelled due to divisive ideological disputes. This reflects a climate of censorship and the invasion of dogmatic viewpoints, neither healthy.
22 October 2024
Rail workers in most train operating companies have voted to accept the national pay deal. This ends over two years of intermittent strikes and other industrial action.
21 October 2024
This year’s TUC showed rising tension between an ideological support of net zero and the real-world impacts on workers. A life-long trade unionist has contacted Workers with his observations.
21 October 2024
Transport unions Aslef and RMT are planning strikes over pay for their members on London Underground. In separate disputes both will be taking action in early November.
21 October 2024
The new government wants to revive a policy of its predecessor to increase heat pump take up by taxing gas boilers. Its enthusiasm for net zero makes it blind to the reason why the idea was dropped.