The growing threat of war: what can workers do?
What can workers do to stop the growing threat of war? Perhaps the first question we need to ask is: do they want to stop it?
What can workers do to stop the growing threat of war? Perhaps the first question we need to ask is: do they want to stop it?
It is a precious thing when workers are able to talk to one another – and listen to the ideas of others. Nowhere is this discussion more needed than over the movement of labour across borders…
The ongoing failure of regulation in the water industry poses a fundamental question about the governance and accountability of industries and utilities in Britain: how, and in whose interest, are they regulated?
Many of our prisons are at breaking point. This has not happened overnight but is the result of a cocktail of circumstances including the actions and inactions of successive governments…
The water industry is in crisis, like the rest of capitalism. Water quality targets are missed, companies are heavily in debt, infrastructure needs investment. But profits and dividends are up...
There is capital – plenty of it – that could be used for investment here in Britain but instead countless billions of pounds are invested overseas. Meanwhile employment and living standards here suffer…
It’s getting harder and harder to build a family in Britain – and in particular to start one before your thirties. High house prices and low wages mean many are forced to wait longer than they want…
Struggle is under way to reverse decades of decline in culture funding. From Cardiff to Nottingham, from Edinburgh to Birmingham and beyond, those who work in the arts are fighting for their future…
The government is keen — alarmingly keen — to say that the NHS is “broken”. You might almost think that ministers would like it to be…
It’s bad business as usual: employers and their governments continue to blockade training for British workers. It’s no accident, either, rather a deliberate policy…
Not all unions are enchanted by the promises of the new Labour government…
The departure from the political stage of many leading separatists, be it through illness, death, scandal or retreat, marks the end of an era for Scotland and a new opportunity in the quest for a united British nation…
Look behind the fine façade of the Just Transition Commission, and all you find are false promises, lack of transparency, indifference, and inaction by governments ducking their responsibilities…
The Labour government’s new water bill is a fraud. It will do nothing about the debt that continues to hamstring the industry. And nothing, either, about the blatant failure to maintain minimum environmental standards…
What do workers in and outside of higher education think is its purpose in our society? And are they prepared to fight for it?
Public services are in a sorry state, and the new government has other priorities, like devolution and backing wars. Our focus must be on what change is needed in our public services – and how we can make it come about…
The war between Ukraine and Russia has escalated with little sign of resolution…
A snapshot of the condition of our country shows the scale of the problem facing us and also suggests a path to return Britain to progress…
The headlong rush into what are still unreliable and inadequate ‘green’ technologies is putting at risk the energy security that the country requires to maintain and develop modern life…
We look at some of the proposals from the Labour government. There’s little to benefit workers, and a great deal to cause real concern…
Journey times have to be shortened, new timetables and track are needed, but there’s no commitment from Labour or Conservatives to the planning and investment required…
A nation must be able to feed itself. To do so needs both management and planning. Capitalism increasingly demonstrates it is capable of neither…
A country where a quarter of the workforce is not working is destined to decline. What is going on? Who are the nearly 9 million people “not actively looking for work”?
On foreign matters, as on domestic matters, there is no free choice. Labour and Conservative both claim to be more pro-NATO, more pro-war, than the other…
The Post Office Horizon scandal has exposed a deep-rooted problem. It’s more than the misbehaviour of individuals, it’s about the way capitalism works – and what workers can do about it…
A working class asserting its right to be an independent nation, with control over its industry, should make the materials critical to energy and advanced manufacturing very much its business…
The state has tried to meet its needs by printing more and more money. No wonder we have inflation…
Britain needs unity, not division, not devolution. In Scotland the multiple failures of the ruling SNP separatists are coming home to roost…
Despite the huge sums of money, the vast quantities of ammunition, and the covert presence of soldiers on the ground, the war in Ukraine is not going well for imperialism. Their answer: double down…
It’s not enough to say that renewable energy is the solution to environmental woes. Technology alone will fail. What is needed is long-term planning, and we are a long way away from that…