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Not another day under the EU thumb

16 April 2020

The government must not surrender to the siren song that Covid-19 has made Brexit impossible. On the contrary, the epidemic has made leaving the EU even more urgent.

Never again

3 April 2020

The people of Britain have had to face the Covid-19 epidemic with an emaciated NHS and an atrophied industrial infrastructure. So much for capitalism and the free market.

Fake news? They're having a laugh

2 April 2020

Looking for light relief in this grim situation? Then take a look at the latest publication from the European Union’s External Action Service.

The economics of crisis

29 March 2020

Yes, there is an economic crisis as well as the health and social crisis. But the politics of despair will get us nowhere. Instead, workers need to get to grips with the financial issues involved.

