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No to the ‘Asian NATO’!

29 January 2021

The government needs to be reminded that we didn’t vote for independence only to join in attempts to carve up the globe in the interests of imperialsm.

SNP in bid to stop test case for unilateral referendum

23 January 2021

Scotland’s Attorney General told its highest court on Friday 21 January that the pro-separatist campaigner seeking a ruling that the Scottish parliament can lawfully hold a second “independence” referendum unilaterally lacks the legal standing to bring his case.

Deep mining again in Cumbria

17 January 2021

The first new deep coalmine in Britain for over 30 years will go ahead in Cumbria. It will supplying coking coal for steelmaking.

PPE: local firms step up

17 January 2021

A Yorkshire company has developed new production facilities for personal protective equipment, one of many innovations from British firms in the face of the pandemic.

British Gas: no to fire and rehire

12 January 2021

British Gas engineers were on strike for 5 days in defence of their pay and conditions. More action will follow unless the company withdraws the threat of firing and rehiring workers on worse conditions.

