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The economics of crisis

29 March 2020

Yes, there is an economic crisis as well as the health and social crisis. But the politics of despair will get us nowhere. Instead, workers need to get to grips with the financial issues involved.

Brexit means Brussels, says EU

27 March 2020

Nearly four years after the Brexit referendum, the EU is still clinging to the hope that it can keep control of Britain away from the British people, according to a leaked document.

Coronavirus: Cuba leads the way

27 March 2020

During the coronavirus pandemic Cuba is standing out as a shining example of international solidarity and the expertise and medical treatments possible when a country is run in the interests of its people.

Sound advice

20 March 2020

Policy makers are taking full account of a paper from the Imperial College COVID-19 Response team published on 16 March. They are right to do so.

Poll finds support for public services

11 March 2020

A new poll conducted by Survation has found that voters believe that the privatisation of public services as increased regional inequality and harmed “left behind” parts of the country.

Chinese set to seal British Steel takeover

5 March 2020

Chinese firm Jingye Group has confirmed plans take over British Steel at a price of £70 million, and to invest more than £1 billion in the company, which collapsed in May last year. 

RMT ballot brings tube strike closer

2 March 2020

Widespread industrial action on the tube has moved a step closer as transport union RMT prepares to ballot its members on strikes over pay and hours.

