Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.
Out! And now for real independence
Open financial war between EU and Switzerland
1 July 2019
Switzerland and the European Union have begun open financial war as the EU tries to force the country to sign a new agreement covering all aspects of the country’s relations with the bloc.
Workers pay the price of the European Union
It’s become a mantra, endlessly repeated by Remainer unions: “Workers must not pay the price of Brexit.” What price would that be? And how about acknowledging the price of staying in the EU?
Learning how to organise again
Parliament’s failure to act on our vote to leave the EU has sparked democratic activity and debate across the country…
Brexit jobs petition launched
Traction is developing around campaigns to use Brexit to boost employment, wages and conditions among British seafarers.
No deal in good shape - official
Britain is in good shape for a No Deal Brexit, according to Mark Sedwill, head of the British civil service.
Now finish the job [workers version]
The latest attempt by would-be Brexit wreckers was defeated in Parliament in June. But the job is not yet done. They will try again. We have to keep the pressure on untrustworthy Westminster politicians of whatever party.
Stop shutting down debate
In an atmosphere similar to McCarthyism, a trade union officer has been hounded out of office after expressing support for Brexit.
Now finish the job
18 June 2019
The latest attempt by would-be Brexit wreckers was defeated in Parliament last week. But the job is not yet done. They will try again.
Petition launched to protect British seafaring
18 June 2019
Momentum is developing around campaigns to use Brexit to boost employment, wages and conditions among British seafarers.
We're in good shape for no deal - official
16 June 2019
More jobs to be filled from abroad
30 May 2019
The government appears to be ploughing on with plans to denude countries that need their highly skilled workers more than we do rather than train our own here.
Britain voted Brexit - again
27 May 2019
The working class has told the pro-EU ruling class to carry out our 2016 instruction to leave the EU through the vote in the EU elections. It was a failure to have to take part; the Brititsh people will have to take control to enforce the decision.
Little belief in EU future
21 May 2019
A new survey reports that many people across the EU belive it is likely to collapse within a generation.
Seize the mood
6 May 2019
The mood is hardening for a clean Leave and against any dodgy deals cooked up by May or Corbyn that are Brexit in name only. The call for Brexit must become a resounding roar.
What does Britain need for independence?
What does Britain need for independence?
Wednesday 19 June, 7.30 pm
Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Membership of the EU has deformed the economy. Britain is over-reliant on imports. Investment in education is reduced while skilled workers are poached from other countries. Key industries are in the hands of foreign interests. What will an independent Britain need? Come and discuss. All welcome. Admission free.
Why sovereignty matters
Sovereign states have this in common: they are all that now stands between the peoples of the world and utter domination by the transnational monopolies that think the world is rightfully theirs to exploit.
What are we waiting for? Just leave!
Through the treachery of the government and MPs, Britain is in political and economic limbo. Instead of being free to take back control, they have handed the future of the country over to the EU…
Nowhere to go
The EU: mired in debt, riven by division and dissent, doomed to decline…
The EU's hand in the privatisation of rail
The fragmentation of Britain’s railways has its roots in an EEC directive (91/440/EEC) handed down in 1991. This directive decreed the separation of infrastructure from train operations, with the express purpose of creating a competitive market. It was the blueprint used by John Major for the Conservative government’s privatisation of Britain’s railways from 1994 to 1996.
The gathering global slump
The June 2016 referendum result was entirely rational. It represented a sophisticated view of the connection between economics and politics.…
Frexit banner at Brexit rally
Hundreds of people came over from France to join the Brexit rally in Westminster on 29 March.
EU: MEP elections
Just when you thought the cost of the EU couldn’t get any higher, we’re now going to have to fork out for the cost of an election which has historically seen the lowest turnout of any national poll.
Brexit: Riot police at the ready
Senior officers at the National Police Coordination Centre have said that more than 10,000 riot police are being readied to manage potential disorder in the wake of Brexit.
A culture of secrecy
This pamphlet is essential reading as we struggle to free Britain from the grip of the EU. It counters any idea that the EU can be reformed from within and reminds us of one of the factors that brought about the vote to Leave.
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