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Speak for the children

15 August 2020

The case for opening schools to all children in September is compelling. We know how the benefits for children of attending school vastly outweigh any risks. 

Britain takes on EU over plant safety

9 August 2020

Britain is refusing to give way to an EU instruction that it must reverse a government decision to enforce stricter regulations on the importing of some plants and the banning of others. 

Devolution gathering pace

7 August 2020

Last week devolution in South Yorkshire became law, and attempts to devolve spending plans for the nation’s capital to the mayor are now being mooted. 

Fightback against Nissan pensions attack

9 July 2020

Workers at Nissan Sunderland are fighting for pension rights shortly after celebrating the plant's long-term future. They are angered at the opportunistic attack by the company and refusal to consult.

EU: no friend of workers

9 July 2020

This book lays bare the aims of the EU and its methods. Britain has left the EU, but it is still trying to force its world view on us through the transition period.

