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Celebrate May Day in song

30 April 2020

On this May Day – Friday 1 May – with workers around the world unable to gather in numbers to celebrate the day, we invite all our readers to raise a glass in solidarity and sing the traditional Communist anthem, The Internationale.

Fighting Covid-19: from north to south

30 April 2020

Stories are beginning to emerge which point to the resourcefulness and humanity of ordinary people in extraordinary times. When workers use their initiative, there is no end to what they can achieve.

Glasgow marks Workers Memorial Day

30 April 2020

Glasgow Trades Union Council marked Workers Memorial Day on 28 April by taking part in the Britain-wide “one-minute silence” tribute to those who have died in the health and caring professions during the current crisis.

PPE shortage exposes folly of relying on imports

30 April 2020

Last week Nissan started to make gowns for NHS trusts at its Sunderland plant. The development attracted wide press coverage – but in fact it is a sign of a serious problem with government policy.

