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Borders: still out of control

24 May 2020

To go by the latest official figures on non-EU immigration, the government’s pledge take control of our borders is already worthless.

Moving forward

15 May 2020

For the foreseeable future – for years – there will be no such thing as 100 per cent safe. Only workers can assess what is reasonably safe in their workplace, and every workplace is different, including every school.

EU hopes for coronavirus extension

12 May 2020

The EU hopes the coronavirus emergency will keep Britain in its orbit. The impact of Covid-19 makes it more important there is no extension to the transition period.

Chaos and cost ahead as EU looks for more money

11 May 2020

Coronavirus is tearing the EU apart. The European Commission has a plan to grab money from members, and which threatens Britain with unknown extra costs if the Brexit transition is extended.

Victory in Europe: 8 May 1945

8 May 2020

The Soviet Union bore the brunt of the Second World War in Europe, which ended with the defeat of fascism 75 years ago on 8 May 1945. The balance of class forces shifted away from capitalism for a few post-war decades... 

