Out! And now for real independence

Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.

Customs: something to declare

18 February 2018

Suddenly, it seems, the talk is all about the EU’s customs union, with “commentators” bewailing the possibility that in leaving the EU Britain will also leave the customs union.

Royal Mail snubs EU withdrawal

21 January 2018

The Royal Mail has announced that it will not be issuing special stamps to commemorate leaving the European Union, claimingit would damage its “strict political neutrality”.

EU imposes anti-union law on Greece

18 January 2018

Under orders from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF, the Greek government has pushed through the most anti-union law in Europe.

Boom in factory output

11 January 2018

Manufacturing is growing more quickly than at any time in the past seven years, official figures suggest.

Pensions: academics ballot over action

29 December 2017

University workers across Britain are being balloted over whether to fight to prevent the closure of their University Superannuation Scheme, a final salary arrangement.

Brexit: how the Nobodies beat the Somebodies

11 December 2017

This slim but jewel-packed volume that sets out to explain how Britain voted to leave the EU – as seen by a relatively isolated campaigner in one of Britain’s most Remain-friendly cities, Brighton.

EU army defeat

11 December 2017

On 13 November the government dramatically drew back from EU military integration schemes. It now refuses to absorb Britain’s armed forces into a Euro army and in doing has shown it respects our decision.

Safer out than in?

23 November 2017

Veterans for Britain has produced an extremely useful free pamphlet showing that leaving the EU will have little if any impact on Britain's national security or counter-terrorism capabilities.

Stop the EU War Machine!

Tuesday 20 February 2018 18:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 20 February, 6.30 pm [note time]

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

During the referendum campaign anyone who mentioned the development of a European army and a common defence policy was dismissed by the establishment as a fantasist. Now everything is out in the open – and it's taking shape in front of our very eyes. Come and discuss. All welcome.

Brexit planning gathers pace

2 November 2017

The government is recruiting 8,000 officials to deliver on Brexit, deal or no deal, with new posts in Whitehall departments and border check points.