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Northern Trains - progress on guards

11 February 2019

RMT members on Northern Trains look to have brought their two-year dispute over guards on trains to a successful conclusion. Talks will now take place to put an agreement into practice.

Brexit: beware the saboteurs

10 February 2019

Brexit is in danger. Despite the defeat in parliament on 29 January of every binding amendment to block or delay Brexit – including Labour’s permanent customs union – parliament is still strongly against leaving.

US dumps nuclear treaty

8 February 2019

With all the news about Brexit, the US’s decision to withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty seems to have slipped under the radar.

Waiting for the bus

5 February 2019

Bus journeys continue to fall, according to government figures. This is due to higher fares and route cuts, and affects how people can move around for work and leisure.

British Independence and the Working Class

1 February 2019

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 18th Congress, London, November 2018. Either we live in an independent Britain deciding our own future, or we become slaves to international capital.

