Threat Of War: Campaign at Lakenheath
The campaign against the return of US nuclear weapons to British soil after a 15-year absence is gathering pace.
The campaign against the return of US nuclear weapons to British soil after a 15-year absence is gathering pace.
25 October 2024
The defence pact with Germany just announced is the latest step in the Labour government’s warmongering. Since the election, Starmer and his ministers have actively ramped up NATO commitments in the name of “defence”.
11 October 2024
Escalating military action in the Middle East rightly worries British workers. But nothing good comes out of the involvement of our leaders in these conflicts. We should simply say “stay out”.
The war between Ukraine and Russia has escalated with little sign of resolution…
11 July 2024
Despite claiming to be a government of change, Labour continues to support NATO and overseas aggression. If anything, they are escalating the conflict in Ukraine.
The growing threat of war: what can workers do?
Wednesday 16 October 2024, 7.30 pm
Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Our rulers have always followed the USA’s drive to war. But now it is Starmer leading calls for escalation of the war in Europe.
War isn’t in the interest of British workers, nor is membership of NATO. How can workers bring this message home to the new government?
Come and discuss. All welcome. Free entry.
Sixty years ago the youth of Britain made it clear that they would not be forcibly enlisted in the armed forces…
9 April 2024
On the 75th anniversary of NATO, Britain should call time on that aggressive military organisation. We need above all to look at what our country needs – and it’s not a war abroad.
Once again, the US is seeking to make even greater use of its bases in Britain. And once again, opposition is building…
Workers have made remarkable progress in the past year in asserting the interests of the class. Yet in 2024 we need to do more.
The British government is clear: it wants the war in Ukraine to go on and on, and it will seek to sabotage anything and anyone that works for peace…
2 October 2023
The British government threatens to escalate Britain’s involvement in the war in Ukraine. This is not in the interests of British workers.
Keep Britain out of NATO’s war
NATO is escalating its aggressive potential. The world becomes a more dangerous place. How should the British working-class respond?
Come and discuss. Email for an invitation
19 September 2023
The chaotic situation in Libya has contributed to the tragically huge death toll from recent floods. This has its origins in the 2011 NATO-led military intervention.
8 September 2023
There have been no US nuclear bombs in Britain since 2008, but there’s a possibility they will return. The bombs were removed from Lakenheath, the US air base in Suffolk, after a persistent and concerted campaign of action against their presence here.
The NATO drums for war are beating loudly. British workers should not ignore this, still less support it…
Britain Out of NATO!
Discuss why Britain should leave NATO – and why staying out of international military conflicts is good for workers everywhere.
Email for an invitation.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stepped up efforts to further involve Britain and other NATO countries in his country’s war against Russia. This makes escalation more likely, not less.
9 February 2023
The risk of war is increasing in China as well as Europe. The US and NATO are talking up China as a threat, and upping their military spending and actvity.
17 July 2022
NATO is rapidly expanding its influence in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Switzerland, legally a neutral country, is one of those being drawn into NATO influence.
NATO may owe much of its military muscle to the US, but it was the brainchild of a Labour government. And now Boris Johnson is using it to further British imperialism’s global ambitions…
It was indeed the Labour government elected in 1945 that pushed for the idea of NATO in the first place.
Our current prime minister doesn’t know if he’ll still be in office by the end of the summer. But he does claim to know that the war in Ukraine will drag on for years.
Why Britain should leave NATO
Why Britain should leave NATO
Brexit was a necessary step, but membership of NATO nurtures delusions of imperialist grandeur and props up US imperialism. It is time to leave.
Email for an invitation.
3 May 2022
Arms continue to pour into Ukraine and bordering countries – and Britain is one of the biggest suppliers, though the government is evasive when challenged for details.
NATO, the military wing of western imperialism, is a war machine which aims to bring any nation state seeking independence to heel. Britain has no business being a member.
The end of the Second World War could have ushered in a progressive foreign policy for Britain. Labour ensured that it didn’t…
12 April 2021
What should Britain’s relations be with other nations? There’s a straightforward working-class response to that – and it’s not “Global Britain”.
In the wake of Joe Biden’s renewal of US commitment to NATO, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has signed what is essentially a declaration of war against Russia.
NATO has marked its 70th anniversary in London. But for anyone who cares about peace, there was nothing to celebrate. Quite the reverse…