Agencies for capital
The EU’s Agency Workers Directive hasn’t protected us – just encouraged the massive growth of casualisation…
The EU’s Agency Workers Directive hasn’t protected us – just encouraged the massive growth of casualisation…
8 April 2016
We must bring strong and immediate pressure to bear on our negligent, treacherous government to maintain steelmaking in Britain.
2 April 2016
The UK’s overall balance of payments – now known as the current account deficit – deteriorated sharply last year, thanks to a phenomenal deficit with EU countries.
31 March 2016
One set of official statistics suggests that around 1.6 million EU citizens came to Britain between 2006 and 2014 – but another set suggests the figure could be a million higher.
14 March 2016
Well over 1,000 people packed the Tyne Theatre and Opera House to attend the first Newcastle meeting of Grassroots Out.
14 March 2016
A CPBML meeting in Glasgow on why trade unionists should vote to leave the EU drew a diverse and enthusiastic audience ready to contribute their own ideas.
3 March 2016
Referendums are becoming contagious. On 16 April the Netherlands will vote on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement – and could scupper it for good.
Free movement? In the EU it just means freedom for employers to lower pay and avoid training…
25 February 2016
A ten-year EU “regneration” project has contributed to Mansfield ranking as one of the poorest towns in Britain.
14 February 2016
Trade unionists have every reason to vote to leave the EU – despite of the view of the TUC and a number of their member unions. This was the theme of a lively meeting held by the CPBML at Conway Hall in London on 11 February.
13 February 2016
Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 17th Congress, London, November 2015. There can be no advance without Marxism, because Marx showed that only the eventual victory of the exploited class, the working class, represents a real future. Capitalism means only destruction and war. Here in Britain, we need our own unique vision of a working class future in order to fight and win in the present.
Scotland meeting: The EU – Why Trade Unionists Should Vote To Leave
CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 10 March, 7.00 pm
Renfield Conference Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP
Even if the TUC remains tied to the Brussels trough, we can make sure the real voice of British workers is heard. Come and discuss. All welcome.
The EU is proposing a radical extension of its powers, with plans to take over control of their member states’ borders in “emergencies”.
The EU: why trade unionists should vote to leave
CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 11 February, 7.30pm
Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Loss of sovereignty, privatisation, TTIP, attacks on wages, threats to peace – the EU has been a disaster for Britain, for the working class, and for trade unions. Make sure the real voice of British workers is heard. Come and discuss. All welcome.
(Please note the change of title – with talk of a referendum as early as June, the meeting will now be about why trade unions should vote to leave the EU.)
The text of the speech given at the meeting, with hyperlinked references, is available here. (You can also CTRL+ click to download the file and view it on a PDF reader.)
Opponents of TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership treaty currently being negotiated on our behalf by the European Union, have consistently noted how secretive and undemocratic the process is.
Many unions seem wedded to the EU. Yet look closely, and it’s clear the EU has been a disaster for workers…
Ask a europhile about the “benefits” of the EU and one that might be thrown in your face is the Agency Workers Directive. Yet as trade union lawyer John Hendy has pointed out, it “appears helpful but in fact has led to a massive increase across Europe in the number of workers employed through agencies and hence without the full rights of directly employed workers”
There are now 4.6 million self-employed workers in Britain, according to the Office for National Statistics, and on average they work longer hours than employed workers. Their wages have fallen by around 22 per cent since 2008.
Just about every union in Britain has policy opposing privatisation. Many are committed to fighting TTIP. It is the EU that is spearheading these attacks on workers.
Even before an actual day was set for the EU referendum, the mongers of doom are predicting disaster if Britain leaves. Yet the opposite is true…
Never mind that whenever the people have been asked they have said they don’t want it – devolution is to be forced on England…
20 October 2015
The Volkswagen diesel emissions crisis is the worst ever to hit the motor industry. But what has Britain been doing? Nothing…
29 September 2015
NATO governments are scheming to win support for intervening in Syria – using the refugees to create chaos in Europe and provide the excuse for an illegal war.
19 September 2015
Germany wants to dictate immigration policy to Europe – and it is causing chaos across the continent. On 13 September Merkel had to introduce temporary border controls.
The parliamentary parties are for saving capitalism and enhancing its profits. And the EU is the instrument designed for this…
10 March 2015
Sensing weakness, the European Union is now demanding that hundreds of "troika" officials go into Greece’s ministries to examine the accounts.