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European Union

European Union

What does Britain need for independence?

Wednesday 19 June 2019 19:30 to 21:00

Wednesday 19 June, 7.30 pm

Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Membership of the EU has deformed the economy. Britain is over-reliant on imports. Investment in education is reduced while skilled workers are poached from other countries. Key industries are in the hands of foreign interests. What will an independent Britain need? ​​​​​​Come and discuss. All welcome. Admission free.

The EU's hand in the privatisation of rail

The fragmentation of Britain’s railways has its roots in an EEC directive (91/440/EEC) handed down in 1991. This directive decreed the separation of infrastructure from train operations, with the express purpose of creating a competitive market. It was the blueprint used by John Major for the Conservative government’s privatisation of Britain’s railways from 1994 to 1996.

EU: MEP elections

Just when you thought the cost of the EU couldn’t get any higher, we’re now going to have to fork out for the cost of an election which has historically seen the lowest turnout of any national poll.

A culture of secrecy

This pamphlet is essential reading as we struggle to free Britain from the grip of the EU. It counters any idea that the EU can be reformed from within and reminds us of one of the factors that brought about the vote to Leave. 

People smuggling and profit

6 January 2019

People smuggling across the Channel is increasing. Tiny dinghies crossing busy shipping put lives at risk. It’s lucrative – crime bosses saying that it is more profitable than smuggling drugs.

Euro crisis on two fronts

22 November 2018

The EU is suddenly facing two financial crises simultaneously, in Greece and Italy, one impacting on the other. 

EU drifts into budget crisis

11 August 2018

The ailing bloc faces an overall £18 billion budget shortfall, most of it due to Brexit. But it still plans to spend more.

The EU’s Italy debacle

14 June 2018

The crisis over the makeup of Italy’s government shows that the EU is desperate to assert itself as the master in the country – and that it is afraid of the anger of the Italian people.

Stop the EU war machine!

During the 2016 referendum those who warned that the EU was developing its own army were dismissed as fantasists. Instead, we were told the EU had kept the peace in Europe. The truth is totally different…

Truce in universities pensions fight

16 April 2018

The long-running dispute over pensions conducted by members of the University and College Union has been suspended after they voted decisively to accept the employers’ latest proposals.

EU imposes anti-union law on Greece

18 January 2018

Under orders from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF, the Greek government has pushed through the most anti-union law in Europe.

