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European Union

European Union

Pensions: academics ballot over action

29 December 2017

University workers across Britain are being balloted over whether to fight to prevent the closure of their University Superannuation Scheme, a final salary arrangement.

Safer out than in?

23 November 2017

Veterans for Britain has produced an extremely useful free pamphlet showing that leaving the EU will have little if any impact on Britain's national security or counter-terrorism capabilities.

Stop the EU War Machine!

Tuesday 20 February 2018 18:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 20 February, 6.30 pm [note time]

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

During the referendum campaign anyone who mentioned the development of a European army and a common defence policy was dismissed by the establishment as a fantasist. Now everything is out in the open – and it's taking shape in front of our very eyes. Come and discuss. All welcome.

EU causes pain in Catalonia

10 October 2017

The separatist movement in Catalonia and the reaction to it have raised questions about the future of Spain. The EU pretends to stand to one side but the cause is its policy of "A Europe of the Regions".

Vauxhall: smoke and mirrors

17 March 2017

Those who still resist Britain’s departure from the EU are deliberately misrepresenting the decision by car maker Groupe PSA to take over the General Motors Vauxhall and Opel car plants at Luton and Ellesmere Port.

Manufacture defies the Remain lies

31 October 2016

The Remainers are professional denigrators of Britain, running down anything in an attempt to show they were right. Manufacturing is proving them wrong.

NHS still tendering contracts across the EU

27 October 2016

NHS England is trying to defy the historic referendum vote to leave the EU by applying EU rules to the procurement of up to £15 billion of specialised services contracts.

