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Hospital driven deep into debt

9 January 2017

The Princess Royal University Hospital in Bromley, south London has accumulated the largest hospital debt in the capital – a staggering £62.3 million.

Air pollution killing Londoners

5 August 2016

Londoners are falling ill and dying because the capital has levels of nitrogen oxides comparable to those of Shanghai and Beijing, according to a new report published in July. 

London's largest borough gears up for health fight

29 June 2016

Recent proposals for the borough’s healthcare include putting all health-related community services out to tender and axing student nurses from primary and secondary schools. Resistance may be on the cards

Cancer unit closure blocked

5 May 2016

Trade union Unison has managed to put the closure of a major cancer unit on hold – keeping, for the time being, a vital treatment centre run which serves over a million people.

Junior hospital doctors’ action continues

14 March 2016

Hospital doctors were on strike again on 9 and 10 March. Picket lines were well populated and supported by the public as action against imposition of the junior hospital doctors’ contract continued.

Hospital doctors’ dispute continues

13 February 2016

The strike by junior doctors on Wednesday 10 February was met by government bluster as health secretary Jeremy Hunt threatened to impose the new terms. The BMA says this action represents total failure by the government.

Doctors on the picket lines

12 January 2016

As junior doctors embarked on their first day of strike action against the government’s proposed new contract, CPBML News visited picket lines in London and Yorkshire.

Student nurses and midwives in bursary protest

2 December 2015

War abroad, war at home. As parliament was debating the bombing of Syria, less than 100 yards up Whitehall student nurses and midwives were standing outside the Department of Health in a loud and lively protest against plans to scrap their bursaries.

Doctors show the way

27 November 2015

Junior doctors have forced health secretary Jeremy Hunt to go to Acas without precondition, which he said could not happen. The threat of industrial action starting on 1 December still stands, although withdrawal of labour is very difficult for junior doctors.

Capitalism: leading to an early grave

23 November 2015

A book by eminent researcher Sir Michael Marmot shows that people at relative social disadvantage suffer worse health and live shorter lives and gives evidence about how that can be prevented. 

Hunt misses every target

15 November 2015

The NHS in England continues to miss many key targets, such as those for emergency responses and cancer care. A&E departments face a “perfect storm” this winter.

OECD indicators indict Britain's health spending

9 November 2015

The latest indictment of Britain’s spending on health has come from a formidable source – the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the club of leading capitalist countries.

Junior doctors move to ballot

23 October 2015

After successful demonstrations on 17 October in London, Nottingham and Belfast against the new junior doctors’ contract, the BMA has announced that ballot papers will go out to its members in early November. 

Junior doctors in revolt over proposed contracts

29 September 2015

Junior doctors flooded Westminster in their thousands last night (Tuesday) to protest against planned changes to their contracts as the British Medical Association ballots members on industrial action.

Get real! Doctors will need to turn 7-day anger into action

16 August 2015

Last month health secretary Jeremy Hunt told doctors to “get real” over the need for “proper seven-day service” in the NHS. Whether those two small words were a deliberate attempt to antagonise, there is no question about the mood of doctors.

