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Cancer care in Britain needs improving

3 April 2015

Britain lags behind in cancer treatment according to Macmillan Cancer Support. NHS England and the Department of Heath suggest progress is being made, but their claims don’t stand up to scrutiny.

Joint fight to stop huge NHS privatisation

30 March 2015

Three unions are combining to challenge the way NHS England is trying to hand a contract worth over £1 billion for primary care support services over to the private sector.

Health workers to ballot on pay offer

7 February 2015

Unions in the NHS are balloting their members on the pay offer that their industrial action has extracted from a reluctant government. But no one on the union side is claiming victory.

NHS staff in second walkout

24 November 2014

Health workers throughout England walked out on strike this morning (24 November) for four hours in their long-running dispute over pay. The action followed a similar walkout on 13 November.

Midwife anger over private ads

15 October 2014

Adverts for private care displayed at maternity units are outraging midwives. On the picket line at an east London hospital, one midwife explained why.

Midwives to take historic action

30 September 2014

Midwives and maternity support workers will walk out on Monday 13 October after the government overruled the Independent Pay Review Board’s recommendation for a 1 per cent rise.

Malnutrition: Cases soar

Figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that 6,690 patients were treated for malnutrition in Britain’s hospitals in 2013-14, a 20 per cent increase on 2012-13. 

Bill to open up land grab

An amendment to the Infrastructure Bill going through parliament will allow Boris Johnson or his successor as Mayor of London to acquire land held by all public bodies in London. The prime target for this land grab will be the estates of NHS properties in London estimated as being worth over £50 million.

