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Call to double medical school places

10 January 2021

The Royal College of Physicians has set out plans to double the number of medical school places, planning for Britain’s needs for the next ten years and beyond. 

NHS prepares

11 September 2020

As well as preparing for winter and a second wave of Covid-19, the NHS must look at how it has dealt with other conditions and plans for the future.

Reunite the NHS

18 March 2019

There are positive signs that fragmentation of the NHS in England is coming to an end. Professional bodies, unions and others are unanimous that the 2012 Health and Social Care Act should go.

NHS plan: still not fit

15 January 2019

The government's NHS Long Term Plan for England came out on 7 January. It includes significant spending and opportunities to improve the service. But there are also critical weaknesses for NHS workers to deal with.

NHS workers must remain vigilant

1 October 2018

In June the government asked NHS England to make a 10-year plan, and guaranteed real funding increases over the next 5 years. NHS workers must remain vigilant to take advantage of the opportunity to repair damage done to the service.

NHS staff consider pay offer

It’s bad enough that the NHS has been lagging behind inflation for seven years but take the rise in travel costs, accommodation and food into account and the gap between the pay “rise” and RPI becomes even starker.

Scarlet fever makes a comeback

6 January 2018

The rise in the number of cases of scarlet fever shows no sign of tailing off significantly, with a record 544 cases recorded in England in the week before Christmas.

Carillion on the brink

16 October 2017

Carillion, a British company running construction and facilities management services across the globe, posted a £1.5 billion loss in the first half of 2017. This has been followed by a retreat from outsourced and private contracting across the Middle East, North America and Britain.

