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Free speech has to be defended

28 May 2021

The report into events at Batley Grammar School in March has lifted supensions on the teachers involved. But it does not deal with the threat to free speech and educations posed by the fundamentalist demonstrations.

Swiss break off EU negotiations

26 May 2021

To the delight of the country’s leading trade union federation, the Swiss government has abandoned talks with the EU over replacing its 120-odd treaties with Brussels with one overarching “framework” agreement.

Free trade threat to farming

22 May 2021

Free trade negotiations with Australia being rushed through by the government could have devastating implications for farmers across the UK.

Senedd to increase in size?

20 May 2021

Labour in Wales did not mention it in its manifesto, but now it wants to spend millions on creating yet more seats in the Senedd assembly – at public cost but without public benefit.

Universal Basic Income - no solution

20 May 2021

A universal basic income sounds nice and fair, but behind the superficial attractiveness is the flawed concept that the future for our society will not involve productive work for all.

