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Deepening housing crisis in Manchester

9 December 2019

The housing crisis sweeping Britain shows no sign of abating. Its effects are to be found all over the country, not least in the much-vaunted “Northern powerhouse” of Manchester. 

1819: The Peterloo Massacre

3 December 2019

Two hundred years ago, 18 people were killed and 654 injured participating in a peaceful rally calling for the reform of a corrupt parliament...

Manifestoes and the art of misleading

26 November 2019

With the publication of the Labour and Conservative manifestoes, it is at least clear what this grim election is now about: deciding on the least worst option, and wading through the deluge of half-truths. 

University workers start strike action

25 November 2019

Classes at universities across Britain and Northern Ireland are being disrupted as staff begin an eight-day strike today. The action is due to last from 25 November until 4 December. 

We need a clean break, says fishing campaign

19 November 2019

The campaign group Fishing for Leave has issued a new press release about the effect of the proposed “deal” for leaving the EU on UK fishing, and the benefits of a clean break.

