This section contains news and views about the fight to preserve the unity of Britain in the face of separatist attempts to split off Scotland and Wales, and EU-inspired bids to divide England with federalist regionalism. You can also follow links to key sources of information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.
The dangerous drive to devolution
Devolution is a threat to workers across England, as well as in Wales and Scotland, with the government bent on breaking up Britain into competing regions…
Sturgeon out in boost for unity
Sturgeon’s resignation is a blow to the separatist project. Working class struggle across Britain shows a unity that undermines separatist notions.
Don’t divide Britain: unity not devolution
Don’t divide Britain: unity not devolution
Discuss why attempts to break up the unity of Britain – through both separatism and regionalism – are an attack on the working class.
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Devolution dividing Britain
25 January 2023
The government’s drive to divide Britain is gathering pace with a devolution deal for the North East of England, and the second round of “levelling up” funding for councils across the country.
Starmer’s speech – the opposite of taking control
12 January 2023
The Labour Party has made its pitch to win the next general election, due in two years’ time at the latest – by stealing the Conservative party’s slogan for the 2016 referendum and 2019 election, Take Back Control, and reinterpreting it.
SNP abandons referendum demand
Short of options and short of money, the SNP/Green coalition has effectively shelved its demand for an immediate referendum. Yet its budget is widening the tax gulf with the rest of Britain…
SNP record condemned as strikes grow
Despite all the other current problems, Scottish nationalists continue to pursue their aim of disuniting Britain. Yet in Scotland workers are more worried about the economy and the standard of living – worries shared across Britain…
SNP opts for division as workers unite in action
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement of plans for a second referendum in an attempt to break Scotland away from Britain (and back into the European Union) must be rejected by trade unions…
SNP tries to block gene editing progress
The Scottish government intends to block the deployment of gene-edited crops even if the proposed new legislation on gene editing applies to the whole of the UK.
Scotrail shambles condemned
Train drivers’ union Aslef has condemned the decision by newly nationalised ScotRail to severely cut services.
SNP, Greens pursue breakaway despite resistance
Recent polling has confirmed that most voters in Scotland continue to oppose the breakup of Britain. That hasn’t deterred Nicola Sturgeon and her coalition allies…
Greenwashing in Wales
Green initiatives are not always what they seem – as Welsh farmers, along with others across Britain, are finding out to their cost.
Scotland: Freeports condemned
The RMT union has reacted angrily to the joint announcement from Westminster and the SNP government of two “green freeports”. It says the projects are fatally flawed.
Scotland: Energy 'surrender' [print version]
Extensive publicity showed Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pressing the button to blow up the famous industrial landmark that was the 600-foot chimney of Longannet coal-fired power station in Fife on 9 December.
Scotland: Energy surrender
20 December 2021
In the latest abandonment of energy sources in Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pressed the button to blow up the chimney of Longannet power station on 9 December.
Coal still needed in Wales
12 November 2021
The Welsh government is trying to close Aberpergwm colliery, the only anthracite mine in Europe. Its "net zero" dogma also puts the Port Talbot steel plant at risk.
Who wants this forced federalism?
The Welsh government, led by Labour, has announced what it calls an “Independent Constitutional Commission”.
Just six months left to save ScotRail, say unions
23 September 2021
Four trade unions came together on 22 September to demonstrate in Edinburgh on Wednesday. Their message: that there are just six months left to save ScotRail.
Nursing shortages: move on from the blame game
14 September 2021
The shortage of nurses is worldwide. There’s no future in leaving it to the SNP or the British governmemt to resolve.
ScotRail: SNP bluster
11 September 2021
SNP and Greens: a coalition born of weakness
The failure of the SNP to gain a majority in the elections to the Scottish parliament has forced them into a huddle with the equally separatist Greens – and into a series of increasingly unpopular policies…
Long-running pay fight engulfs ScotRail
21 August 2021
Scotland is currently hosting the longest pay dispute on the railways so far, with ScotRail guards striking every Sunday since 28 March.
ScotRail plans new wave of cuts
21 August 2021
Not to be outdone by the headlong rush across Britain to cut back rail services, Scotland has joined the fray announcing proposals to permanently slash its train services.
Senedd to increase in size?
20 May 2021
Labour in Wales did not mention it in its manifesto, but now it wants to spend millions on creating yet more seats in the Senedd assembly – at public cost but without public benefit.
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