This section contains news and views about the fight to preserve the unity of Britain in the face of separatist attempts to split off Scotland and Wales, and EU-inspired bids to divide England with federalist regionalism. You can also follow links to key sources of information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.
Long-running pay fight engulfs ScotRail
21 August 2021
Scotland is currently hosting the longest pay dispute on the railways so far, with ScotRail guards striking every Sunday since 28 March.
ScotRail plans new wave of cuts
21 August 2021
Not to be outdone by the headlong rush across Britain to cut back rail services, Scotland has joined the fray announcing proposals to permanently slash its train services.
Senedd to increase in size?
20 May 2021
Labour in Wales did not mention it in its manifesto, but now it wants to spend millions on creating yet more seats in the Senedd assembly – at public cost but without public benefit.
Setback for separatists
16 May 2021
The much-trumpeted “super-majority” for Scottish separatists never materialised when the SNP and the Alba Party faced the voters last week.
Why we all need the Union – and sterling
The threat to the unity of the British working class comes not just from separatists, but also from those throughout Britain who kid themselves that it doesn’t matter to them.
For a united Britain
16 April 2021
This book makes the case for continued and renewed union as better both for Scots and for their fellow British citizens.
Five reasons why Britain should stay united
Forces within Britain sympathetic to the EU and backed by it are seeking to tear our country apart – just when Britain has liberated itself from Brussels to chart an independent course in the world. But a united Britain is a condition for progress, says the CPBML.
Unreality grips as separatists desert industry
While the SNP concentrates on eye-catching headlines, industry in Scotland faces a bleak future after years of kowtowing to EU state aid rules and a long-term agenda of fragmentation and privatisation…
Wales – integral to Britain
There’s a reason why the people of Wales have not succumbed to separatism. As a recent book shows, they are committed to the union…
Steep cost of separatism revealed
9 February 2021
A new analysis of the prospects for Scotland should the SNP succeed in detaching it from the rest of Britain makes grim reading for the separatists.
SNP in bid to stop test case for unilateral referendum
23 January 2021
Scotland’s Attorney General told its highest court on Friday 21 January that the pro-separatist campaigner seeking a ruling that the Scottish parliament can lawfully hold a second “independence” referendum unilaterally lacks the legal standing to bring his case.
Devolving health: it doesn’t make sense
For Britain to persist with devolved health services is a nonsense – economies of scale are being lost and during the current health crisis efforts are being dissipated. A look at Scotland indicates the scale of the problem…
SNP ferries fiasco
Ageing ferry ships that have provided life-line services to dozens of islands around the coasts of Scotland should have been replaced in 2018...
Devolution 'confusion' hampered Covid-19 response, says report
9 November 2020
A report from the Institute of Government points out the dangers of devolution exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Break the separatist mindset!
There are now six months to blunt the axe of those who plan to break up Britain. But encouragingly, those who are pushing for fragmentation are increasingly seeking to tear each other apart too…
STUC: public spending ‘plot’?
Pro-separatism in the Scottish TUC seems to have led it to conclude that increased public spending by Westminster is against the interest of workers…
RMT takes second round of action in sleeper dispute
6 October 2020
RMT union members brought Serco Caledonian Sleeper services to a halt on Sunday, affecting journeys linking cities in Scotland with London and the south.
Devolution gathering pace
7 August 2020
Last week devolution in South Yorkshire became law, and attempts to devolve spending plans for the nation’s capital to the mayor are now being mooted.
Separatists’ fear of the ballot box grows
Unable to achieve its aims through democratic means, the SNP is edging towards a set of manoeuvres that would see Scotland leaving Britain by stealth…
Holyrood blocks rail renewal
Again we see divergent policies driving a wedge between Scotland and the rest of Britain.
We have republished this pamphlet from 1977. It has stood the test of time as an analysis of devolution and its threat to the future of the British working class.
Scottish administration stymies rail improvement work
11 June 2020
While important railway enhancement works have started up again in England and Wales, the devolved Scottish administration has not allowed workers in the sector to return, keeping it under lockdown.
Devolution an obstacle to tackling coronavirus
4 May 2020
How is devolution to Scotland and Wales helping Britain tackle the coronavirus pandemic? Not at all.
Wales – more unity, not more devolution
Many are asking whether Wales needs any more devolution. The coronavirus crisis has made the question even more important…
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