Out! And now for real independence

Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.

A vote for a future

We have said that the fight to ditch the EU is the “decisive confrontation” facing the working class this year. During the referendum campaign, the battle lines have been drawn ever more sharply.

Vote to Leave the EU!

Thursday 2 June 2016 19:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 2 June, 7.30pm

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

With the referendum only weeks away, the people of Britain are making up their minds. At stake is our future as a sovereign industrial nation.

Come and discuss how. All welcome.

EU: no answer to unemployment

15 April 2016

Unemployment is endemic to capitalism and to all capitalist states. It remains high within the EU; remaining in will not change that.

Grassroots Out Glasgow rally

Thursday 7 April 2016 19:00 to 21:00

7 April 2016, 7 pm

Hunter Halls, University of Glasgow, 
University Avenue, Glasgow  G128 QQ

With speakers Nigel Farage MEP, Dr Liam Fox, Peter Bone MP, Eddie McGuire (trade unionist), Mike Gold (CAEF), David Coburn and Brendan Chilton with more to be announced.

German rail takes over Northern services

2 April 2016

Rail union RMT members hoisted the German flag over Newcastle Central station on 1 April, the day that German state railway operator Deutsche Bahn took over Northern rail services.

Migration statistics in turmoil

31 March 2016

One set of official statistics suggests that around 1.6 million EU citizens came to Britain between 2006 and 2014 – but another set suggests the figure could be a million higher.

Housing at the mercy of speculators and the EU

25 March 2016

The government is running down social housing intending to prime the market for foreign takeover. Fearing that Britain may exit the EU, speculators are already leaping into the property scrum.

Farmers march for a future

23 March 2016

Farmers from all over the UK marched to Downing Street on Wednesday 23 March to demand a future for British farming.

Trade gap with EU widens

14 March 2016

 The latest round of trade figures issued last week dramatically underlined the reality behind Britain’s unequal trade with the European Union.

Dutch to vote on EU-Ukraine agreement

3 March 2016

Referendums are becoming contagious. On 16 April the Netherlands will vote on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement – and could scupper it for good.

Government abandons steel

26 February 2016

Business Secretary Sajid Javid told a manufacturing conference this week that public funds wouldn't be used to rescue steel. He didn’t add that EU rules would prohibit it.