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British Workers: Strength in Unity

Tuesday 8 April 2025 19:00
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Unity between workers is our main strength – we have a common class interest and the ability to make progress when we act together.

But everywhere that unity is under threat. At work, by employers who constantly exploit weakness and lack of cohesion. And across Britain, by a government and ruling class who want to break Britain up into regions and tie us to the USA or again to the EU.

Come and discuss. Email info@cpbml.org.uk for an invitation.

Devolution dividing Britain

25 January 2023

The government’s drive to divide Britain is gathering pace with a devolution deal for the North East of England, and the second round of “levelling up” funding for councils across the country.

Starmer’s speech – the opposite of taking control

12 January 2023

The Labour Party has made its pitch to win the next general election, due in two years’ time at the latest – by stealing the Conservative party’s slogan for the 2016 referendum and 2019 election, Take Back Control, and reinterpreting it.

Senedd to increase in size?

20 May 2021

Labour in Wales did not mention it in its manifesto, but now it wants to spend millions on creating yet more seats in the Senedd assembly – at public cost but without public benefit.

For a united Britain

16 April 2021

This book makes the case for continued and renewed union as better both for Scots and for their fellow British citizens.

Devolution gathering pace

7 August 2020

Last week devolution in South Yorkshire became law, and attempts to devolve spending plans for the nation’s capital to the mayor are now being mooted. 


We have republished this pamphlet from 1977. It has stood the test of time as an analysis of devolution and its threat to the future of the British working class.

For an undivided Britain

Internal devolution divides the people of Britain. Like membership of the European Union it will poison our future unless we act. The current undemocratic engineering going on in Manchester shows why it needs to be fought…

Bidding to devolve

Separately, all these would-be devolved authorities published proposals before chancellor Osborne’s September deadline, aimed at joining up between 4 and 19 local authorities. Note the imperial ambitions of “Greater” Essex and Yorkshire.

The DevoManc debacle

There’s been very little support for splitting up England whenever it has been put to the vote. Two years ago the people of Manchester voted not to have an elected mayor. They could not see why they needed yet another politician.

Scotland - The £7.6 billion hole

The Institute for Fiscal Studies has concluded that Scotland would be left with a £7.6 billion gap in its finances if it pursued fiscal autonomy, because falling oil revenues would leave the country with a tax shortfall – to be met by cuts or taxes.

Unity not devolution

The Communist Party of Britain is for the unity of Britain and against devolution and the fragmentation of a working class.  That unity has been the basis for progress. Now we are under sustained attack from the European Union.
