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India's loss

Before Theresa May added nursing to the shortage occupation list the Indian Health Ministry was expecting to gain from the implementation of her previous immigration rules which had been due to take effect on 6 April 2016.

Struggle off the stage

A long-running dispute over front of house staff wages and conditions at the Globe Theatre in London has been “settled” – for the time being. This follows a one-day strike in May 2015, with the threat of further action. A degree of progress has been made.

Bidding to devolve

Separately, all these would-be devolved authorities published proposals before chancellor Osborne’s September deadline, aimed at joining up between 4 and 19 local authorities. Note the imperial ambitions of “Greater” Essex and Yorkshire.

No care, no shame

In their election manifesto, the Conservatives said that by April 2016 they would cap charges on residential social care and limit the liability of any individual needing long-term care, along with a rise in the level of personal assets above which people would be ineligible for state help.

