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Real earnings slump for Londoners

10 July 2017

A survey of average earnings across London’s 32 boroughs by the GMB union shows London in a very different light from the usual picture of the capital as a thriving business centre.

Gig companies go on the attack

10 July 2017

Even as the Taylor review called on Monday (10 July) for some kind of controls on casualisation, proponents of the “gig” economy are mounting further ideological challenges define what a worker is by their own criteria.

Honour and dishonour at Woolwich ferry

10 July 2017

It is honourable that a new Woolwich ferries will be named after Ben Woollacott, the 19-year-old deckhand killed in a mooring accident in 2011 – but other factors associated with the new ferry are less so.

Transport Police break up goes ahead

29 June 2017

The SNP has pressed on with plans to break up British Transport Police despite widespread opposition from rail unions to police chiefs. This attempt to reinforce separatism went ahead despite union warnings that it would damage and not protect policing in Scotland.

Victory over paramedic pay

9 June 2017

Ambulance employers have given way and agreed to the unions’ demand that paramedics be upgraded. It’s the result of a two-year national negotiation – and decades of organisation.

EU delusions: French style

22 May 2017

Hailed as Europe’s saviour, Emmanuel Macron’s first foreign trip as French President was to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel. They pledged to draw up a “common road map” for Europe and threatened Britain.

No to EU dodgy Brexit guidelines

12 May 2017

The EU continues to act in bad faith towards Britain over our vote to leave. Its negotiating guidelines aim to continue the European Court's influence over Britain.

