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Strike hits North Sea oil platform

16 April 2018

Workers on the Norwegian oil giant’s Mariner platform in the North Sea went on strike on Saturday 7 April, downing tools for four hours in the morning and a further four-hour sit-in in the evening.

Fishing vessels in mass 'transition' protest

10 April 2018

Fishermen brought about 200 boats to six ports around the Britain on Sunday in mass demonstrations against the “transition” arrangements allowing the EU to control British waters until 2020. Crowds gathered on the shores to join the protest.

Aerospace demands plans for Brexit 

20 March 2018

A year after aerospace companies called for a post-Brexit transition deal as soon as possible to protect jobs in the sector there seems to be an uneasy lack of detail from the government.

Click to enlist? Oops...

28 January 2018

The government’s attempt to recruit solely by online application has failed despite spending over £1.3 billion on a computer system run by Britain’s largest outsourcing IT company.

University pensions fight takes off

28 January 2018

Strike action will begin in universities across Britain as academic staff fight back against the plan by the university employers to close their final salary pension scheme.

Royal Mail snubs EU withdrawal

21 January 2018

The Royal Mail has announced that it will not be issuing special stamps to commemorate leaving the European Union, claimingit would damage its “strict political neutrality”.

Sickness among teachers rockets

15 January 2018

Sickness among teachers is adding to the pressure created by staff shortages – leading to a teachers leaving the profession and creating even more strain.

A farewell to coal?

15 January 2018

The government has repeated its intention to close all coal-fired electricity power generation by 2025.

Carillion: over the precipice

15 January 2018

Carillion the construction and facilities management services company has collapsed into liquidation, as we predicted in October 2017. This is a failure of the “free” market and capitalist dogma: its workers and those who use its services will suffer.

Faith in schools

15 January 2018

The government is doing little to curb religious segregation and the influence of faith schools. The new education secretary is a supporter of religious segregation. The chief inspector of schools says more powers are needed to tackle illegal faith schools.

Museum workers fight contract changes

11 January 2018

Over 25 workers at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich braved freezing weather on 1 January 2018 to picket in protest against proposed contractual changes.

Boom in factory output

11 January 2018

Manufacturing is growing more quickly than at any time in the past seven years, official figures suggest.

Scarlet fever makes a comeback

6 January 2018

The rise in the number of cases of scarlet fever shows no sign of tailing off significantly, with a record 544 cases recorded in England in the week before Christmas.

