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Manufacturing future for Northern Powerhouse

26 September 2017

The vote to leave the EU induced a frenzy of pessimistic forecasts about the future for production in Britain. Such negativity seems to be confounded by what’s happening on the ground, as shown by recent news from Yorkshire.

Yorkshire Academy chain quits [updated]

15 September 2017

Wakefield City Academies Trust announced in early September that is pulling out of the 21 schools it runs. And in Bradford, a pathfinder acedemy is in special measures within three years of being rated outstanding.

Brexit Vote - no treachery required

12 September 2017

On 11 September Parliament voted for the EU Withdrawal Bill, which will end the supremacy of EU law in the UK. That's another important milestone, but the British people need to keep politicians' feet to the Brexit fire.

RMT challenges TUC General Secretary on the EU

12 September 2017

The RMT union continues to challenge the TUC’s favourable and unrealistic view of the EU. The TUC believes that the single market is good for British workers and that the UK can remain in it after Brexit. Neither is true.

Cuba responds to Hurricane Irma

12 September 2017

In the wake of Hurricane Irma President Raul Castro called on Cubans on Monday to unite in swiftly rebuilding the country. At the same time Cuba is providing neighbouring islands with medical aid.

Let's Brexit together

4 September 2017

No politician can guarantee Brexit. Only the vigilance of the people can guarantee a democratic decision is pursued to its conclusion. 

Food: McDonald’s strike vote

24 August 2017

Workers at two McDonald’s outlet are to go on strike on 4 September in a dispute that centres around union recognition, cuts to hours and bullying linked to union membership.

Death toll at work

21 August 2017

A total of 137 workers were killed at work between April 2016 and March 2017, with construction, agriculture and waste/recycling most dangerous areas by far.

Capitalist rail carousel continues

10 August 2017

The capitalist carousel that now typifies Britain’s railways continues as London Midland loses the franchise to operate routes across the region’s network.

Nurses: time to take charge

6 August 2017

There is certainly a nurse staff crisis in the NHS but it is not Brexit-induced – says one of the staffing agencies which are making a tidy fortune from the crisis.

Council rakes in millions from housing sales

4 August 2017

 Kensington and Chelsea council raised £4.5 million from the sale of two council houses last year, more than the £3.5 million outlay on the controversial cladding system added to Grenfell Tower.

The land of 100,000 potholes

4 August 2017

Britain’s infrastructure is crumbling – literally. As council budgets get ever tighter, more than 100,000 potholes have been found on the country’s roads.

