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Legal attack on injury claims

10 April 2017

The government is now changing the rules for compensation for injury by the sleight of hand of increasing the small claims court limits.

Who says we're post industrial?

19 March 2017

A Westminster meeting showed that throwing off the shackles of the EU has created an exhilarating climate in which all kinds of people are re-imagining an industrial Britain.

Vauxhall: smoke and mirrors

17 March 2017

Those who still resist Britain’s departure from the EU are deliberately misrepresenting the decision by car maker Groupe PSA to take over the General Motors Vauxhall and Opel car plants at Luton and Ellesmere Port.

Mini and Rolls workers fight pension cuts

23 February 2017

Talks between the Unite union and BMW over the German carmaker’s plans to close its final salary pension scheme are set to continue, but the threat of industrial action remains.

Millwall land grab exposed

23 February 2017

A multimillion-pound scheme to develop land around Millwall Football Club in south London is unravelling thanks to the concerted efforts of the club, its supporters, a fanzine and a locally based newspaper journalist.

Employment review gathers momentum

26 January 2017

The government’s “independent” review into employment practices in the economy is now moving to a rolling roadshow – but it’s slanted in favour of the employers from day one.

Prisons hit new lows

26 January 2017

Britain’s largely privatised prison service has reached yet further landmarks of decline with the number of suicides – and the prison population – at record levels.

Hospital driven deep into debt

9 January 2017

The Princess Royal University Hospital in Bromley, south London has accumulated the largest hospital debt in the capital – a staggering £62.3 million.

New Brexit leaflet available

14 December 2016

With the enemies of Brexit lining up to lodge court cases to thwart the people’s decision in the referendum, the CPBML has produced a new leaflet calling for Article 50 to be invoked.

