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Sport billionaires welcome

No sooner is the World Cup a mere dot on television screens than Boris Johnson, soon to be forgotten Mayor of London, is jostling for space in the sporting arena by promoting Formula One racing on London’s streets.

Pit faces early shutdown

The withdrawal of Hargreaves  Services from the funding package to keep Kellingley pit in West Yorkshire open for a further two years of managed closure has brought to the fore the prospect of an early shutdown.

Second strike at TfL

Travel centres at stations across the capital were disrupted on 13 June in what the unions involved have dubbed a “let them eat cake” dispute at Transport for London.

Unity at Scottish TUC

THE SCOTTISH TUC in Dundee in April saw the National Union of Mineworkers, ASLEF, Community, USDAW and GMB, with help from CWU and Musicians’ Union delegates, Work Together and United with Labour, organising a standing-room-only fringe event – featuring powerful calls for working class unity.

Eurobrief: TTIP under scrutiny

The EU-US free trade agreement, known as TTIP, is coming under increasing pressure as more and more people start to realise what it entails. Top of the list of concerns is the provision for Investor State Dispute Settlement, or ISDS.

Wardens at the crossroads

Nothing contributes more to demoralisation than a badly planned, deliberately misleading and directionless dispute. The NSL Unison members are going to have to do some hard thinking about those who have treated them like cannon fodder.

