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Historic Notes

Historic Notes

Victory in Europe: 8 May 1945

8 May 2020

The Soviet Union bore the brunt of the Second World War in Europe, which ended with the defeat of fascism 75 years ago on 8 May 1945. The balance of class forces shifted away from capitalism for a few post-war decades... 

1819: The Peterloo Massacre

3 December 2019

Two hundred years ago, 18 people were killed and 654 injured participating in a peaceful rally calling for the reform of a corrupt parliament...

1917 - 1920: the Russian Civil War

20 August 2019

The October Revolution of 1917 triumphed decisively in Russia. Anti-popular forces soon conspired to overturn the new era; soldiers from many countries invaded to combat the revolution, but failed.

The Long March (1934-35)

24 August 2017

On 16 October 1934, about 100,000 men and women in China’s Red Army broke out of their surrounded soviet base. Their extraordinary year-long march to the other end of China changed not only the balance of forces in China but also the world.

1833 - 1838: The Tolpuddle Martyrs

7 July 2017

The Tolpuddle Martyrs were transported for resisting starvation wages and forming a trade union. The annual festival commemorating them – absent for two years because of Covid-19 – was held again this July in Tolpuddle, Dorset.

