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Historic Notes

Historic Notes

The rise of nuclear power

24 October 2020

Despite Britain's formidable base of scientific and engineering knowledge, development of nuclear power has stalled. Britain needs to change that to secure future energy supplies.

Victory in Europe: 8 May 1945

8 May 2020

The Soviet Union bore the brunt of the Second World War in Europe, which ended with the defeat of fascism 75 years ago on 8 May 1945. The balance of class forces shifted away from capitalism for a few post-war decades... 

1819: The Peterloo Massacre

3 December 2019

Two hundred years ago, 18 people were killed and 654 injured participating in a peaceful rally calling for the reform of a corrupt parliament...

1917 - 1920: the Russian Civil War

20 August 2019

The October Revolution of 1917 triumphed decisively in Russia. Anti-popular forces soon conspired to overturn the new era; soldiers from many countries invaded to combat the revolution, but failed.

The Long March (1934-35)

24 August 2017

On 16 October 1934, about 100,000 men and women in China’s Red Army broke out of their surrounded soviet base. Their extraordinary year-long march to the other end of China changed not only the balance of forces in China but also the world.

1833 - 1838: The Tolpuddle Martyrs

7 July 2017

The Tolpuddle Martyrs were transported for resisting starvation wages and forming a trade union. The annual festival commemorating them – absent for two years because of Covid-19 – was held again this July in Tolpuddle, Dorset.

