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UCU under fire over 'nonsense' Covid-19 claim

9 September 2020

There has been a strong reaction to universities union UCU’s tweet of a non-peer-reviewed paper saying that without strong controls, students' return to campuses would cause at least 50,000 deaths. 

Migration rises again

6 September 2020

The Office of National Statistics has just published the figure for net migration into the UK for the year up to March 2020. It is now back to the highest number seen in 2015, the year before the EU referendum.

Britain takes on EU over plant safety

9 August 2020

Britain is refusing to give way to an EU instruction that it must reverse a government decision to enforce stricter regulations on the importing of some plants and the banning of others. 

Devolution gathering pace

7 August 2020

Last week devolution in South Yorkshire became law, and attempts to devolve spending plans for the nation’s capital to the mayor are now being mooted. 

Fightback against Nissan pensions attack

9 July 2020

Workers at Nissan Sunderland are fighting for pension rights shortly after celebrating the plant's long-term future. They are angered at the opportunistic attack by the company and refusal to consult.

Back to school, urge paediatricians

19 June 2020

More than 1,500 paediatricians have signed a letter to the prime minister urgently calling for the government to publish a clear plan for getting all children back to school.

Start the music!

7 June 2020

The world famous Abbey Road studios started recording again on 4 June. Musicans are actively working to get back to work safely and practically.

Scrap student nursing fees, say unions

5 June 2020

Student nurses and midwives stepped up when they were needed. Their unions are calling for an end to their tuition fees. This will remove barriers to new students created in 2017 by cuts in financial support.

Borders: still out of control

24 May 2020

To go by the latest official figures on non-EU immigration, the government’s pledge take control of our borders is already worthless.

