Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.
Out! And now for real independence
Break clean for fishing
With a clear majority, the government must retake full control of Britain’s coastal waters…
The weakness at the heart of the EU
The referendum vote in 2016 continues to dominate politics not just in Britain but also in Brussels. The EU’s expansionist plans have been brought to a juddering halt. Time, then, to step up the pressure……
A 'more perfect' union?
The ambitions of the eurocrats couldn’t be clearer. They want to move as swiftly as possible to a unified European state…
The battle is only just beginning
All the schemes, the arrogance, the contempt for democracy of the diehard Remain campaigners, have come to nothing, squashed by the vote of the people – as happened in 2016.
An independent Britain - it's only rational
Not only is it impossible for the EU to mimic the socialist processes needed to develop a country, it is designed precisely to prevent that.
The truth about the Irish economic 'miracle'
3 December 2019
A new pamphlet shows how the Irish government uses a financial flag of convenience to undermine the tax bases of other EU nations, notably Britain, France and Germany.
How to protect the environment (and why the EU makes things worse)
How to protect the environment (and why the EU makes things worse)
London, Tuesday 3 March 2020, 7.30 pm
A CPBML public meeting in the Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL.
We are often told we must stay in the EU “to protect our environmental rights”. And yet we constantly read that the environment has grown worse over the past few decades – when Britain was a member of the EU. Both refrains cannot be right. Come and hear an independent approach to the environment in a lively talk – and then join in the discussion. Free entry.
Manifestoes and the art of misleading
26 November 2019
With the publication of the Labour and Conservative manifestoes, it is at least clear what this grim election is now about: deciding on the least worst option, and wading through the deluge of half-truths.
Brexit: from ideas to action - London
Brexit: from ideas to action - London
London, Tuesday 14 January, 7.30 pm
A special discussion event in the Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
We cannot rely on politicians to keep Brexit on track. One month after the General Election, this event will be different from the usual CPBML public meetings. It will be designed to maximise discussion and participation from the audience, and come up with ideas for action. Free entry.
No sovereignty without defence
Just five days after the referendum – with furious denials from the Remain campaign that the EU was planning a European army – the EU announced its new Global Strategy and began to create new military structures.
We need a clean break, says fishing campaign
19 November 2019
The campaign group Fishing for Leave has issued a new press release about the effect of the proposed “deal” for leaving the EU on UK fishing, and the benefits of a clean break.
Scottish union campaign hears from Irish anti-EU campaigner
19 November 2019
The Unite HQ in Glasgow was the setting for a trade union meeting involving current and former officials of the RMT union and others that heard from Anthony Coughlan, a veteran of decades of struggle against the EU in Ireland.
Financial standstill: the EU can't cope with Brexit
13 November 2019
Brexit has brought the EU’s plans to a financial standstill that shows little signs of easing.
The battle for an independent Britain is there to be won
5 November 2019
The general election campaign has started, and with it the combined efforts of the establishment seeking to distract us into delegating the job of independence to parliament.
Impromptu march brings democracy to the streets of London
1 November 2019
The planned official Brexit rally in Parliament Square in London on 31 October did not go ahead. Instead, hundreds of demonstrators arrived to stand opposite parliament to make their feelings felt.
Every empire needs an army – especially the EU
Brexit is about far more than trade and who makes our laws. It is also about who we owe loyalty to, who controls our defence and to whom our military owe allegiance. Inside the EU, that allegiance is above all to the EU…
Next steps on the road to independence
Despite the chaos in Parliament, fundamentally nothing has changed. We still haven’t left, and the opposition has become ever more hysterical – and coldly calculating…
Economy: Post-Brexit boom
A new study suggests that Britain will achieve a science and technology boom over the next two decades.
The EU empire's surge towards a European army
The EU empire's surge towards a European army
LONDON Tuesday 19 November, 7.30 pm
Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Every proper empire needs an army, and the EU certainly wants to become an empire – and entangle us in it as well. Come and discuss. All welcome. Free entry.
Only one option
Brexit undecided. All options are in the air. But for the people of Britain, those who live and work here, there is only one that works – no deal.
No good guarantees from the EU
We can sit back and trust any state dedicated to the pursuit of profit to guarantee our rights at work and in the environment – least of all the would-be superstate the EU.
Brexiteers commemorate Peterloo
Protesters marked the bicentenary of the Peterloo Massacre with a marchin Manchester on 19 October calling for democracy to be upheld and the EU referendum result implemented.
It's not a deal. It's a trap. Reject it.
19 October 2019
The prime minister says “Let’s get Brexit done” but the deal he is bringing before Parliament is not Brexit.
March for Democracy
March for Democracy
Manchester 19 October 2019
Assemble 11.30 am, Victoria Street, nr Manchester Cathedral.
#Brexit. Honour Peterloo martyrs’ memory. We demand our democratic vote be respected.
Organised by Leavers of Greater Manchester.
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