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Customs: something to declare

18 February 2018

Suddenly, it seems, the talk is all about the EU’s customs union, with “commentators” bewailing the possibility that in leaving the EU Britain will also leave the customs union.

EU imposes anti-union law on Greece

18 January 2018

Under orders from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF, the Greek government has pushed through the most anti-union law in Europe.

Brexit: re-start the campaigns

25 August 2017

Sections of the establishment are regrouping to prevent a clean departure from the EU. Once again working people will have to put real pressure on the political class of Britain.

Take responsibility, take charge

Britain has served the EU with notice to quit and the world has changed. It was a brave declaration, born of clarity and determination. When it counted the working class stood up and shouted The fiercely independent spirit of British workers at its best. We’ll need more of that in the coming months and years.

A vote for a future

We have said that the fight to ditch the EU is the “decisive confrontation” facing the working class this year. During the referendum campaign, the battle lines have been drawn ever more sharply.

