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US combat operations in Iraq ended

27 July 2021

On 26 July, the US government declared the end of combat operations in Iraq. This is most welcome, although long overdue. Almost 20 years overdue, in fact.

Defence and independence

12 April 2021

What should Britain’s relations be with other nations? There’s a straightforward working-class response to that – and it’s not “Global Britain”.

Bad faith from Brussels

9 February 2021

Whatever the limitations for Britain of the final Brexit agreement it is now blindingly obvious that the EU has never been happy with it.

No to the ‘Asian NATO’!

29 January 2021

The government needs to be reminded that we didn’t vote for independence only to join in attempts to carve up the globe in the interests of imperialsm.

The choice is yours

27 December 2020

After the trade agreement with the EU, the challenge now for workers is to take responsibility for the future.

Now for real control

Whatever the restrictions and disruption – and these words are being written before the outcome of negotiations with the EU is clear – Britain can and must now chart its own future in the world. This is a pivotal moment. 

Terrorist murders

13 November 2020

We have said it before but must say it again: people who stab, bomb, and shoot workers in the name of religion are fascists.

On the brink

17 October 2020

If there are still those who have not accepted the necessity of Britain’s departure from the European Union, the behaviour of EU negotiators provides a compelling justification. 

Brexit, the internal market, and the law

18 September 2020

The manufactured outrage over the government’s Internal Market Bill cannot hide the fact that at stake is not the rule of law itself but whether EU law should override British independence.

Speak for the children

15 August 2020

The case for opening schools to all children in September is compelling. We know how the benefits for children of attending school vastly outweigh any risks. 

Back to school, at last

5 June 2020

The phased wider opening of schools which began on 1 June was marred by confusion and concern. Take-up will grow when parents see that Armageddon has not been unleashed

No to the transition trap!

5 June 2020

“The British people have spoken, and the answer is, we’re out,” said the BBC  four years ago after a long night of magnificent referendum results. Yet we’re not out, not really.

Moving forward

15 May 2020

For the foreseeable future – for years – there will be no such thing as 100 per cent safe. Only workers can assess what is reasonably safe in their workplace, and every workplace is different, including every school.

