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Speak for the children

15 August 2020

The case for opening schools to all children in September is compelling. We know how the benefits for children of attending school vastly outweigh any risks. 

Back to school, at last

5 June 2020

The phased wider opening of schools which began on 1 June was marred by confusion and concern. Take-up will grow when parents see that Armageddon has not been unleashed

No to the transition trap!

5 June 2020

“The British people have spoken, and the answer is, we’re out,” said the BBC  four years ago after a long night of magnificent referendum results. Yet we’re not out, not really.

Moving forward

15 May 2020

For the foreseeable future – for years – there will be no such thing as 100 per cent safe. Only workers can assess what is reasonably safe in their workplace, and every workplace is different, including every school.

Not another day under the EU thumb

16 April 2020

The government must not surrender to the siren song that Covid-19 has made Brexit impossible. On the contrary, the epidemic has made leaving the EU even more urgent.

Never again

3 April 2020

The people of Britain have had to face the Covid-19 epidemic with an emaciated NHS and an atrophied industrial infrastructure. So much for capitalism and the free market.

Sound advice

20 March 2020

Policy makers are taking full account of a paper from the Imperial College COVID-19 Response team published on 16 March. They are right to do so.

If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well

1 February 2020

Leaving the EU is some job, and like any job, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. And we intend to do it wholeheartedly. Celebrate, be optimistic – but stay vigilant and be ready for the hard work to come.

Manifestoes and the art of misleading

26 November 2019

With the publication of the Labour and Conservative manifestoes, it is at least clear what this grim election is now about: deciding on the least worst option, and wading through the deluge of half-truths. 

