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US dumps nuclear treaty

8 February 2019

With all the news about Brexit, the US’s decision to withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty seems to have slipped under the radar.

Hands off Syria

With an opinion poll indicating that only 22 per cent of people in Britain support military action against Syria, Theresa May ordered the RAF to launch strikes – pre-empting debate in parliament.

Stop the EU war machine!

During the 2016 referendum those who warned that the EU was developing its own army were dismissed as fantasists. Instead, we were told the EU had kept the peace in Europe. The truth is totally different…

Stop the bombing of Syria!

16 April 2018

Like its predecessors – the governments led by David Cameron and Tony Blair – our government has shown it is willing to allow British blood to be shed to back up US imperialism.

Korea reacts to US war threats

21 December 2017

It’s been revealed that a massive hack of South Korean military computers unveiled plans to assassinate North Korea's leadership and invade the country. No wonder the country is developing its missile capability.

EU army defeat

11 December 2017

On 13 November the government dramatically drew back from EU military integration schemes. It now refuses to absorb Britain’s armed forces into a Euro army and in doing has shown it respects our decision.

Stop the EU War Machine!

Tuesday 20 February 2018 18:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 20 February, 6.30 pm [note time]

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

During the referendum campaign anyone who mentioned the development of a European army and a common defence policy was dismissed by the establishment as a fantasist. Now everything is out in the open – and it's taking shape in front of our very eyes. Come and discuss. All welcome.

Dunkirk: the film and the book

16 October 2017

Christopher Nolan’s film Dunkirk, is an evocative but unusual portrayal of the evacuation of the British and French armies from the French port in June 1940. Joshua Levine’s fascinating book gives a more complete picture of why Dunkirk is of such singular importance.

No to war on Korea

11 September 2017

US and British diplomats are leading the charge for war against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the pretext of trying to find a peaceful solution, but are in reality preparing for war.

European army plans march ahead

25 August 2016

Moves to create a European Army are accelerating – despite the assertions of the Remain campaign that the idea was purely Leave hysteria.

The war must be stopped

3 December 2015

David Cameron has got his way, and the RAF is bombing Syria. We will all live to regret the despicable vote in parliament last night which saw the bombing authorised.

The USA: a force bad for the world

23 November 2015

The WikiLeaks files of US State Department cables reveal how the US government operates in world affairs. This book provides a thorough analysis of the different ways the US government keeps its power.

US and allies' troops to stay in Afghanistan

17 October 2015

The US government now intends to keep US troops in Afghanistan beyond President Obama’s departure from office in January 2017, breaking his promise to end the war on his watch.

1945: America drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

28 July 2015

Seventy years ago, in August 1945, America exploded atomic bombs over two Japanese cities. Controversy still rages as to why they were used and whether these weapons should have been authorised. The USA remains the only state to have deployed nuclear weapons in warfare.

Unity 'frees camp' from ISIS

Reports have reached Workers that the combined force of all the armed rival Palestinian factions in the giant Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria, plus the Syrian Arab Army, have liberated most of the camp from ISIS.

Ukraine: the real violators

10 March 2015

Who is demonstrably violating the Minsk peace agreement? Prime Minister David Cameron for one. The US government for another.

