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We need a clean break, says fishing campaign

19 November 2019

The campaign group Fishing for Leave has issued a new press release about the effect of the proposed “deal” for leaving the EU on UK fishing, and the benefits of a clean break.

Future growth for Britain

3 October 2019

A new study from a French bank predicts a science and technology boom in Brtain over the next two decades. Unlike many reports into Brexit, it looks at the long term and predicts a positive future.

Cancel Dutch ScotRail contract, says RMT

21 September 2019

With anger growing at the service failures Abellio ScotRail, members and supporters of the RMT union marched through Glasgow to the company HQ and on to the Scottish Government offices .

Irish farmers protest

7 August 2019

Beef farmers in Ireland have held a series of protests calling on their government and the EU for support.

